

  • Sign up (free)
  • Create a listing for something you want to sell (optional)
  • Click on all listings you like (including your own)
  • Click the Email Ad button to send a link of the product to others
  • Copy and paste the product link to all your social networking sites
  • Receive commissions as others buy the products (including your own)


  • Members can earn commissions even with nothing to sell or nothing to buy by promoting any listing in the entire site.
  • A commission is given for every sale and it goes to the member who is not on his fourth sale starting with the buying member then his upline, etc.
  • Each member can have unlimited downlines but only one upline such that the upline switches to the last member who made a sale referral or the last member who sent a gift.
  • Members making a purchase have the opportunity to invest in profit sharing unit(s) which can only increase in value for ninety days.
  • Members can choose to have automated purchases to ensure commissions from their downlines and to buy profit sharing units periodically.

ChaseBuy is all about providing incentives and a fun way for people to shop and help each other to sell. There is no basic listing fee for a limited time, so we hope people will start listing and let the other people of the world help them to sell for commissions. If given the right incentives, why not profit from other people's businesses?

Commission. Imagine all items on Amazon and Ebay each has a commission amount next to the sales price. Instead of people bidding against each other, we have people helping each other to make sales. In other words, all the products and services on Amazon and Ebay can be your business, because you are getting a commission for each and every sale you are helping others make. You are recommending things you like to your friends anyways, so why not get paid doing it? You also get commissions on your own purchases. Whether you sell a car or swipe your credit card, the whole world runs on commissions! The best way to reward the "word of mouth" for your product or service is to pay them for their time.

Residual Income. This is not a MLM company. There is no membership or head hunting fee. Everything is based on sales. No sales equal no commissions. No pyramid schemes here! However, the system does provide for RESIDUAL INCOME thru the use of uplines and downlines. Every member has one upline and unlimited downlines. An upline receives every fourth commission from a downline. In order to be an upline, you need to make a sales referral or send a gift. Since every member can not keep his/her fourth commission, he/she may choose to make a small purchase on the fourth commission in hope of receiving a much bigger commission from all his/her downlines. A member who does not choose to make a purchase every fourth sale will forfeit the commissions from all his/her downlines to his/her upline. This incentifies all members to buy something every so often and therein lies the "driving force of the system."

Profit Sharing. Other online marketplaces keep all their profits. Well at ChaseBuy, we give back most of our revenues to all buying members. It's another way we provide incentives for people to buy and it's fun so one sale will most likely lead to another and another! For every purchase a member makes he/she has the option to buy a SHARE at the on-going price. However, each share has a limited life span which is initially at ninety days. That share value will never go down, because it's calculated based on half of all the listing and transaction fees the company generates divided by all outstanding shares. So when you see the share value go up rather quickly, then it's a good time to buy since there are fewer outstanding shares so each share gets a bigger percentage. This is a win-win-win for everybody involved. It's interesting to see if the money you make from a share covers the price of the item you've bought for that share!

Sales Price ($) Commission (%) Transaction Fee (%) Listing Revenue (%) Weekly Listing Fee ($)
10.00 to 19.99 31.0 9.4 59.6 0.00
20.00 to 39.99 28.5 9.0 62.5 0.00
40.00 to 69.99 26.1 8.6 65.3 0.00
70.00 to 109.99 23.8 8.2 68.0 0.00
110.00 to 159.99 21.6 7.8 70.6 0.00
160.00 to 229.99 19.5 7.4 73.1 0.00
230.00 to 319.99 17.5 7.0 75.5 0.00
320.00 to 429.99 15.6 6.6 77.8 0.00
430.00 to 559.99 13.8 6.2 80.0 0.00
560.00 to 719.99 12.1 5.8 82.1 0.00
720.00 to 919.99 10.5 5.4 84.1 0.00
920.00 to 1179.99 9.0 5.0 86.0 0.00
1180.00 to 1529.99 7.6 4.6 87.8 0.00
1530.00 to 2019.99 6.3 4.2 89.5 0.00
2020.00 to 2739.99 5.1 3.8 91.1 0.00
2740.00 to 3869.99 4.0 3.4 92.6 0.00
3870.00 to 9999999.99 3.0 3.0 94.0 0.00

ChaseBuy sets a minimum sales price of $10.00 for all listings and encourages transactions of high priced items. For every sales price increment up to $3,870.00, both the commission and the transaction fee decrease to give a bigger percentage of the sales price to the listing member. A sales price that is $3,870.00 or higher carries a 3% commission and a 3% transaction fee. For a limited time, there is no basic listing fee!


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